PPP / Speaking from Experience

For my research I have decided to look into 'why time management is a problem', and techniques that are advised to help with time management. Here is some research that I have discovered:

"Remember that time is money"

Benjamin Franklin 1748
Advice to a Young Tradesman


  • Time must be explicitly managed, just like money
  • Much of this won't make sense until later (too late?): that's why this is on the WWW
  • Faculty vs. Grad Students vs. Undergrads
  • Lightning pace, heavy on techniques

Why Time Management is Important

  • "The Time Famine"
  • Bad time management = stress
  • This is life advice

The Problem is Severe

By some estimates, people waste about 2 hours per day.  Signs of time wasting: .
  • Messy desk and cluttered (or no) files
  • Can't find things
  • Miss appointments, need to reschedule them late and/or unprepared for meetings
  • Volunteer to do things other people should do
  • Tired/unable to concentrate

Hear me now, Believe me Later...

  • Being successful doesn't make you manage your time well.
  • Managing your time well makes you successful.

Goals, Priorities, and Planning

  • Why am I doing this?
  • What is the goal?
  • Why will I succeed?
  • What happens if I choose not to do it?

The 80/20 Rule

  • Critical few and the trivial many
  • Having the courage of your convictions
  • Good judgment comes from experience
  • Experience comes from bad judgment


"If you can dream it, you can do it" 
                                                Walt Disney
  • Disneyland was built in 366 days, from ground-breaking to first day open to the public


  • Failing to plan is planning to fail.
  • Plan Each Day, Each Week, Each Semester
  • You can always change your plan, but only once you have one!

TO DO Lists

  • Break things down into small steps
  • Like a child cleaning his/her room
  • Do the ugliest thing first


  • Clutter is death; it leads to thrashing. Keep desk clear: focus on one thing at a time
  • A good file system is essential
  • Touch each piece of paper once

Everyone has Good and Bad Times

  • Find your creative/thinking time. Defend it ruthlessly, spend it alone, maybe at home
  • Find your dead time. Schedule meetings, phone calls, and mundane stuff during it


  • 6-9 minutes, 4-5 minute recovery --- five interruptions shoots an hour
  • You must reduce frequency and length of interruptions
  • Blurting: save-ups
  • E-mail noise on new mail is an interruption - TURN IF OFF!!

Cutting Things Short

  • "I'm in the middle of something now..."
  • start with "I only have 5 minutes" --- you can always extend this
  • Stand up, scroll to door, complement, thank, shake
  • Clock-watching; on wall behind them


"Procrastination is the thief of time" 
Edward Young
Night Thoughts, 1742

Balancing Act

"Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion"
Parkinson's Law
Cyril Parkinson, 1957

Avoiding Procrastination

  • Doing things at the last minute is much more expensive than just before the last minute
  • Deadlines are really important: establish them yourself!

Sunday 13 May 2012 by Lisa Collier
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