100 things... Interim Crit

Yesterday We had our interim crit, and despite only being in small groups discussing our focus and where we want to go next with the project I actually feel as though it has helped me focus further. I an still sceptical about my brief, However with a limited 2 weeks left, and a topic I find interesting and feel passionate about I need to take this forward and work with what I have. Here is my sheet from the session;

100 things...

Statement that reflects your current direction within the brief...

- informing people about information graphics through information graphics and showing how it has changed and evolved to a world where people communicate through visual symbols. 

- I hope to produce a range of products that would promote an information graphics exhibition and communicate the importance of information graphics through the design. 

10 products...

- Poster
- Stickers
- Exhibition Book Cover
- Business Card
- Promotional Postcard
- Pencil
- Pencil Case
- Folder
- Box
- Leaflet

Saturday, 21 January 2012 by Lisa Collier
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