Archive for February 2012

Who are you?

Here are Emily's answers to the interview questions "Who are You?"...

- Where are you from? Tell us about it?
I'm from The Cotswolds. It is very pretty but also quiet! 

- What is your earliest memory?
I remember going to the hospital when my younger brother was born. My dad bought me a can of coke and I got really hyper. 

- Which living person do you most admire and why?
Probably my dad. He is very influential to me in terms of design and he always know exactly what to say.

- Cat, Dog or other? Tell us why?
Neither as I am very allergic to both cats and dogs. 

- Where would you like to live? Why? What would you do if you lived there?
I would like to live in Cornwall at one point in my life as I love the sea. I want to be able to surf while also design. Somewhere like St Ives is very influential in terms of art and I would love to live there. I like how detached it is and how calm and chilled out. 

- What would your super power be? What would you use it for?
I would love to be able to turn back time and change things from the past. Or even just relive the best bits of my life! 

- If you could bring something extinct back to life, what would you choose? Why?
Um I don't think I would like to bring back anything extinct for good, but I would love to see a dinosaur!

- What is your most unappealing habit?
I suck my thumb when I am tired. Which isn't exactly a habit that a twenty year old should have.

- What is your favourite word? Why?
I say the word 'like' far too often. I don't know why really. 

- What is your favourite book? What do you like about it?
I really like the Dan Brown books, in particularly 'Angels and demons'. I love the mystery factor and how addictive it is! 

- What four people would you invite to your dream dinner party? Why?
I would have to invite Russell Brand to provide the comedy. Kelly slater and he is my favourite surfer, Yulia Brodskaya to teach me how to improve my design and finally probably Steve Jobs just to him ask hundred and one questions. 

- If you could edit your past? What would you change? Why?
I would thing again which people I can actually trust. I would also go back and make myself do more work and stop being so lazy! Also I wish I didn't worry about stupid little things that don't even matter anymore. 

- If you could go back in time, where would you go? What would you do while you were there?
I would go travelling to see more of the world and have a more open minded and optimistic view on life. I would like to go to Australia, Hawaii, Japan and India. 

- What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Probably getting into uni to be honest. 

- Tell us a joke?
Why don´t you see Penguins in Britain? 
Because they´re afraid of Wales. 

- Tell us a secret
Now that would be telling.

Wednesday 29 February 2012 by Lisa Collier
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Who are you?

Here are my personal answers to the interview which I will compare with Emily's answers later.

OUGD402 PPP1 - Who Are You?

- Where are you from? Tell us about it?
Preston - it's a very boring city in Lancashire. North West England.

- What is your earliest memory?
Having a tea party with my teddies in the back garden.

- Which living person do you most admire and why?
My Grandma. Sad I know, most amazing person in the world. She'll do anything for anyone and never let you down. Oh and Val Preston, another Oldie I just happen to have a soft spot for. (a family friend)

- Cat, Dog or other? Tell us why?
Cat. I have a dog at the moment and I love him but cats are less maintenance but still cuddly when you want them.

- Where would you like to live? Why? What would you do if you lived there?
London - its a lively city and i'd work for a design company in the future hopefully. Or Australia - would love to live out there someday, nice and warm.

- What would your super power be? What would you use it for?
Time travel, then I could be wherever I want, whenever I want and enjoy life.

- If you could bring something extinct back to life, what would you choose? Why?
Cave Bears, they look so cuddly and cute. Even though I know they probably aren't.

- What is your most unappealing habit?
Ignoring people

- What is your favourite word? Why?
Discombobulated. It remnid me a good nights with friends and it's just a generally bizarre word.

- What is your favourite book? What do you like about it?
My pop-up version of 'The night before christmas'. I might only get it out once a year, but the paper crafting is amazing.

- What four people would you invite to your dream dinner party? Why?
I really do not know. 

- If you could edit your past? What would you change? Why?
Would have studied harder, and made more of an effort.

- If you could go back in time, where would you go? What would you do while you were there?
- What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Walking 100 miles in 6 days, or Duke of Edinburgh

- Tell us a joke?
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Tank who?
Your welcome!

^ Hateeee jokes!

- Tell us a secret?

by Lisa Collier
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Who are you?

On Monday's session with Fred everyone was given a partner who we had to research and find out some information on. Unfortunately me and Emily weren't in, however we are not finding things out about one another in order to help with the current brief. Here are the list of interview questions I have to ask Emily:

OUGD402 PPP1 - Who Are You?

- Where are you from? Tell us about it?
- What is your earliest memory?
- Which living person do you most admire and why?
- Cat, Dog or other? Tell us why?
- Where would you like to live? Why? What would you do if you lived there?
- What would your super power be? What would you use it for?
- If you could bring something extinct back to life, what would you choose? Why?
- What is your most unappealing habit?
- What is your favourite word? Why?
- What is your favourite book? What do you like about it?
- What four people would you invite to your dream dinner party? Why?
- If you could edit your past? What would you change? Why?
- If you could go back in time, where would you go? What would you do while you were there?
- What do you consider your greatest achievement?
- Tell us a joke?
- Tell us a secret?

Tuesday 28 February 2012 by Lisa Collier
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Rain: Rework.

Following yesterday's crit session with Amber, Jo and 5 other members of the group, I decided to go back to my original idea, and develop it further. I wanted to maintain the simplicity, yet incorporate more of a focus on imagery rather than type. Here are my resolved solutions, which I feel meet the criteria of the brief more successfully following issued raised in yesterday's session. 

Here are larger versions; to see better detail etc.

Although these haven't taken as much time, I do feel they meet the criteria of the brief more directly. The colours are complimentary when working as a series, and I decided after yesterday's crit session to stay away from the colour 'blue' as this typically represents rain, whereas I feel this way we are focusing more on the bright colours we see around us that we wouldn't have if rain didn't exist..

Saturday 25 February 2012 by Lisa Collier
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Rain: Crit session.

In preparation for our crit session, we each had to fill out a form answering questions about our work that we have produced in response to the live brief on 'Rain'. Here is a photograph on my form; I have also filled out the form digitally below to give a more accurate view:

We used the theme 'DIET' ; describe, interpret, evaluate, theorise.

Describe; What is visible? What is the audience looking at?
I have created a series of posters that work together using a map of England. Although it is pixelated in this initial image, I will improve this before the final deadline creating it in a higher resolution using Adobe Illustrator. I have kept text minimal as posters are not normally read for a long period of time. 

Interpret: What does it mean? How does it function?
I designed the posters to show the audience (people from abroad who visit the D&AD lecture in Manchester) the impact that rain has had on Britain, yet show them how we still enjoy ourselves and get on with life, showing rain in a positive way.

Evaluate; How successful is it? What context best suits it?
I realised my theme and focus on the map worked well with a more vintage style and so used this as a basis throughout my theme. I think that throughout this brief, time restraints became a real issue, having not done a one week brief for a number of weeks. In my opinion, my idea takes a different approach to most others and has wide room for development. Using facts throughout, and relating one poster to 'Manchester' (where the D&AD lecture takes place) works well and they crete a strong vibe when used as a series. However, I don't feel that they represent rain as positively as I would have hoped. The main image needs to be reprinted to the none pixellated version and emphasised into a puddle more effectively. 

Theorise; Does it solve the problem? How else cold it solve the problem better?
I'm unsure as to whether it solves the problem of representing british rain positively, however it does show how we cope with it as a nation and how rain is such a big factor in Britain. I would reprint with the better quality image before the deadline and possibly improve the focus on the map of Britain looking like a puddle. I would also like to incorporate a more positive attitude to rain.

Friday 24 February 2012 by Lisa Collier
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Freelance work

Here is some work I have been doing for a local DJ business back in Preston. I have rebranded the company and produced business cards, logo designs and stickers. Although I might not necessarily be pleased with the final outcome, this was a really good learning curve having to communicate in a professional manner and produce things to set criteria for a company. 

Tuesday 14 February 2012 by Lisa Collier
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Context of Practice; Manifesto

Session with Jo

I found this session really interesting and useful in many ways, first we had to do some automatic writing, something new to me as I have never used this method in order to inspire my designs, however a concept I kind of knew existed anyway. I've often used it before as a method of just letting out what's on my mind and just writing and writing to see where it takes you. 

We then, discussed qualities of graphic designers and things we like in life. It was quite a broad and interesting debate, in the end we all accumulated our responses and came up with a list that we each found solutions to that we respected in terms of the graphic design world.

The task is to declare 5 points as a designer; I will first look at existing manifesto's before creating my own based around my design career.

n. pl. man·i·fes·toes or man·i·fes·tos
A public declaration of principles, policies, or intentions, especially of a political nature.
intr.v. man·i·fes·toedman·i·fes·to·ingman·i·fes·toes
To issue such a declaration.


The Company: Apple (2009)

1. We believe that we're on the face of the earth to make great products. 
2. We're constantly focusing on innovating.
3. We believe in the simple, not the complex.
4. We believe we need to own and control the primary technologies behind the products that we make and participate only in markets where we can make a significant contribution.
5. We believe in saying no to thousands of projects so that we can focus on the few that are meaningful to us. 
6.We believe in deep collaboration and cross pollination in order to innovate in a way others cannot.
7. We don't settle for anything other than excellence in any group in the company.
8. We have the self-honesty to admit when we're wrong and the courage to change.


Bruce Mau Design's Manifesto

Allow events to change you.You have to be willing to grow. Growth is different from something that happens to you. You produce it. You live it. The prerequisites for growth: the openness to experience events and the willingness to be changed by them.

Forget about good.Good is a known quantity. Good is what we all agree on. Growth is not necessarily good. Growth is an exploration of unlit recesses that may or may not yield to our research. As long as you stick to good you’ll never have real growth.

Process is more important than outcome.When the outcome drives the process we will only ever go to where we’ve already been. If process drives outcome we may not know where we’re going, but we will know we want to be there.

Love your experiments (as you would an ugly child). Joy is the engine of growth. Exploit the liberty in casting your work as beautiful experiments, iterations, attempts, trials, and errors. Take the long view and allow yourself the fun of failure every day.

Go deep.The deeper you go the more likely you will discover something of value.

Capture accidents.The wrong answer is the right answer in search of a different question. Collect wrong answers as part of the process. Ask different questions.

Study.A studio is a place of study. Use the necessity of production as an excuse to study. Everyone will benefit.

Drift.Allow yourself to wander aimlessly. Explore adjacencies. Lack judgment. Postpone criticism.

Begin anywhere.John Cage tells us that not knowing where to begin is a common form of paralysis. His advice: begin anywhere.

Everyone is a leader.Growth happens. Whenever it does, allow it to emerge. Learn to follow when it makes sense. Let anyone lead.

Harvest ideas.Edit applications. Ideas need a dynamic, fluid, generous environment to sustain life. Applications, on the other hand, benefit from critical rigor. Produce a high ratio of ideas to applications.

Keep moving.The market and its operations have a tendency to reinforce success. Resist it. Allow failure and migration to be part of your practice.

Slow down.Desynchronize from standard time frames and surprising opportunities may present themselves.

Don’t be cool.Cool is conservative fear dressed in black. Free yourself from limits of this sort.

Ask stupid questions.Growth is fueled by desire and innocence. Assess the answer, not the question. Imagine learning throughout your life at the rate of an infant.

Collaborate.The space between people working together is filled with conflict, friction, strife, exhilaration, delight, and vast creative potential.

____________________.Intentionally left blank. Allow space for the ideas you haven’t had yet, and for the ideas of others.

Stay up late.Strange things happen when you’ve gone too far, been up too long, worked too hard, and you’re separated from the rest of the world.

Work the metaphor.Every object has the capacity to stand for something other than what is apparent. Work on what it stands for.

Be careful to take risks.Time is genetic. Today is the child of yesterday and the parent of tomorrow. The work you produce today will create your future.

Repeat yourself.If you like it, do it again. If you don’t like it, do it again.

Make your own tools.Hybridize your tools in order to build unique things. Even simple tools that are your own can yield entirely new avenues of exploration. Remember, tools amplify our capacities, so even a small tool can make a big difference.

Stand on someone’s shoulders.You can travel farther carried on the accomplishments of those who came before you. And the view is so much better.

Avoid software.The problem with software is that everyone has it.

Don’t clean your desk.You might find something in the morning that you can’t see tonight.

Don’t enter awards competitions.Just don’t. It’s not good for you.

Read only left-hand pages.Marshall McLuhan did this. By decreasing the amount of information, we leave room for what he called our "noodle."

Make new words.Expand the lexicon. The new conditions demand a new way of thinking. The thinking demands new forms of expression. The expression generates new conditions.

Think with your mind.Forget technology. Creativity is not device-dependent.

Organisation = Liberty.Real innovation in design, or any other field, happens in context. That context is usually some form of cooperatively managed enterprise. Frank Gehry, for instance, is only able to realize Bilbao because his studio can deliver it on budget. The myth of a split between "creatives" and "suits" is what Leonard Cohen calls a ‘charming artifact of the past.’

Don’t borrow money.Once again, Frank Gehry’s advice. By maintaining financial control, we maintain creative control. It’s not exactly rocket science, but it’s surprising how hard it is to maintain this discipline, and how many have failed.

Listen carefully.Every collaborator who enters our orbit brings with him or her a world more strange and complex than any we could ever hope to imagine. By listening to the details and the subtlety of their needs, desires, or ambitions, we fold their world onto our own. Neither party will ever be the same.

Take field trips.The bandwidth of the world is greater than that of your TV set, or the Internet, or even a totally immersive, interactive, dynamically rendered, object-oriented, real-time, computer graphic–simulated environment.

Make mistakes faster.This isn’t my idea — I borrowed it. I think it belongs to Andy Grove.

Imitate.Don’t be shy about it. Try to get as close as you can. You’ll never get all the way, and the separation might be truly remarkable. We have only to look to Richard Hamilton and his version of Marcel Duchamp’s large glass to see how rich, discredited, and underused imitation is as a technique.

Scat.When you forget the words, do what Ella did: make up something else … but not words.

Break it, stretch it, bend it, crush it, crack it, fold it.

Explore the other edge.Great liberty exists when we avoid trying to run with the technological pack. We can’t find the leading edge because it’s trampled underfoot. Try using old-tech equipment made obsolete by an economic cycle but still rich with potential.

Coffee breaks, cab rides, green rooms.Real growth often happens outside of where we intend it to, in the interstitial spaces — what Dr. Seuss calls "the waiting place." Hans Ulrich Obrist once organized a science and art conference with all of the infrastructure of a conference — the parties, chats, lunches, airport arrivals — but with no actual conference. Apparently it was hugely successful and spawned many ongoing collaborations.

Avoid fields.Jump fences. Disciplinary boundaries and regulatory regimes are attempts to control the wilding of creative life. They are often understandable efforts to order what are manifold, complex, evolutionary processes. Our job is to jump the fences and cross the fields.

Laugh.People visiting the studio often comment on how much we laugh. Since I’ve become aware of this, I use it as a barometer of how comfortably we are expressing ourselves.

Remember.Growth is only possible as a product of history. Without memory, innovation is merely novelty. History gives growth a direction. But a memory is never perfect. Every memory is a degraded or composite image of a previous moment or event. That’s what makes us aware of its quality as a past and not a present. It means that every memory is new, a partial construct different from its source, and, as such, a potential for growth itself.

Power to the people.Play can only happen when people feel they have control over their lives. We can’t be free agents if we’re not free.


Altermodern Manifesto

Postmodernism is dead.

A new modernity is emerging, reconfigured to an age of globalisation – understood in its economic, political and cultural aspects: an altermodern culture
Increased communication, travel and migration are affecting the way we live 
Our daily lives consist of journeys in a chaotic and teeming universe
Multiculturalism and identity is being overtaken by creolisation: Artists are now starting from a globalised state of culture
This new universalism is based on translations, subtitling and generalised dubbing
Today's art explores the bonds that text and image, time and space, weave between themselves
Artists are responding to a new globalised perception. They traverse a cultural landscape saturated with signs and create new pathways between multiple formats of expression and communication.
The Tate Triennial 2009 at Tate Britain presents a collective discussion around this premise that postmodernism is coming to an end, and we are experiencing the emergence of a global altermodernity.


The Manifesto Of The Cloud Appreciation Society

WE BELIEVE that clouds are unjustly maligned
and that life would be immeasurably poorer without them.

Cloud Icon
We think that they are Nature’s poetry, 
and the most egalitarian of her displays, since 
everyone can have a fantastic view of them.

Cloud Icon
We pledge to fight ‘blue-sky thinking’ wherever we find it. 
Life would be dull if we had to look up at 
cloudless monotony day after day.

Cloud Icon
We seek to remind people that clouds are expressions of the 
atmosphere’s moods, and can be read like those of 
a person’s countenance.

Cloud Icon
Clouds are so commonplace that their beauty is often overlooked. 
They are for dreamers and their contemplation benefits the soul. 
Indeed, all who consider the shapes they see in them will save 
on psychoanalysis bills.

Cloud Icon
And so we say to all who’ll listen:

Look up, marvel at the ephemeral beauty, and live life with your head in the clouds!


Daniel Eatcock

01 - Begin with ideas.
02 - Embrace chance.
03 - Celebrate coincidence.
04 - Ad–lib and make things up.
05 - Eliminate superfluous elements.
06 - Subvert expectation.
07 - Make something difficult look easy.
08 - Be first or last.
09 - Believe complex ideas can produce
simple things.
10 - Trust the process.
11 - Allow concepts to determine form.
12 - Reduce material and production to their essence.
13 - Sustain the integrity of an idea.
14 - Propose honesty as a solution.


My Personal Manifesto;

- I will be more efficient with my time; there are only so many hours in a day, you need to make the most of them.
- I will be organised at all times; a tidy environment gives room for inspiration
- I will take more advantage of opportunities given to me; never say no to something that might lead to something better
- I will not let things get me down; we have one life so make the most of it
- I will not get into debt (Bruce Mau's inspiration). Financial control leads to creative control. 
- I will enjoy life and not worry about the future; live every day as it comes
- I will not be afraid of making mistakes; everyone makes them its how we move on thats important
- I will focus more heavily on my design studies; remember to take advantage of design education and opportunities that I come across
- I will listen carefully to what others have to say; then I will decide whether to act upon their advice
- I will laugh; laughter is an unbelievable act that is healthy and changes the way we view the world.

Monday 13 February 2012 by Lisa Collier
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