Here are my personal answers to the interview which I will compare with Emily's answers later.
OUGD402 PPP1 - Who Are You?
- Where are you from? Tell us about it?
Preston - it's a very boring city in Lancashire. North West England.
- What is your earliest memory?
Having a tea party with my teddies in the back garden.
- Which living person do you most admire and why?
My Grandma. Sad I know, most amazing person in the world. She'll do anything for anyone and never let you down. Oh and Val Preston, another Oldie I just happen to have a soft spot for. (a family friend)
- Cat, Dog or other? Tell us why?
Cat. I have a dog at the moment and I love him but cats are less maintenance but still cuddly when you want them.
- Where would you like to live? Why? What would you do if you lived there?
London - its a lively city and i'd work for a design company in the future hopefully. Or Australia - would love to live out there someday, nice and warm.
- What would your super power be? What would you use it for?
Time travel, then I could be wherever I want, whenever I want and enjoy life.
- If you could bring something extinct back to life, what would you choose? Why?
Cave Bears, they look so cuddly and cute. Even though I know they probably aren't.
- What is your most unappealing habit?
Ignoring people
- What is your favourite word? Why?
Discombobulated. It remnid me a good nights with friends and it's just a generally bizarre word.
- What is your favourite book? What do you like about it?
My pop-up version of 'The night before christmas'. I might only get it out once a year, but the paper crafting is amazing.
- What four people would you invite to your dream dinner party? Why?
I really do not know.
- If you could edit your past? What would you change? Why?
Would have studied harder, and made more of an effort.
- If you could go back in time, where would you go? What would you do while you were there?
- What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Walking 100 miles in 6 days, or Duke of Edinburgh
- Tell us a joke?
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Tank who?
Your welcome!
^ Hateeee jokes!
- Tell us a secret?
Who are you?

Wednesday, 29 February 2012
by Lisa Collier
Who are you?
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