Today we had our final crit for our most recent brief; 100 things. We each had to lay out our work individually and then in pairs we would assess the work of others answering a series of pointers as guide lines. This was presented in a chart format; design direction (strengths/weaknesses), design development (strengths/weaknesses), visual quality (strengths/weaknesses), and finally technical competence (strengths/weaknesses). My feedback was written by Ross and Simon and I think it was very fair and I agree with all the values addressed.
- Really Great direction
- Well explained idea considering the broad depth of the subject matter
- Very legible
- Easy to Read and understand
- Good competence of using other media
- Presented in a good thought out way
- Maybe some media is a little confused (I think this is a very valid point and the purpose of my stationary range may seem confused however the initial idea stemmed from an exhibition and these would be the free give aways (however I was unable to find an exhibition of such type and didn't want to make one up as I found this to be too unrealistic)
- Confused as to the location of the guide and poster (I was hoping these would be more of a design for designers; something that people would have viewed in the possible exhibition as branding and also designers appreciate symbols and icons)
Here are some images from the crit session:
100 things: Final Crit

Monday, 6 February 2012
by Lisa Collier
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