Today, I have decided to study Emily's blog to find out more information about her as an individual, the things that inspire her, her opinions on herself and her progress, and designers that she admires. I will then select various information to include in my double-page spread document, ad also what style to base my designs on that will appeal to Emily.
Here are my findings:
Harriet Russell has cropped up on many various different posts on Emily's blog. She is an illustrator and designer and takes on a ver feminine approach to her working style. This is something that I could use within my own design for the double-page spread based on Emily.
She also uses lots of pastel and calming colours, another factor to include in my designs. Emily appears to like a similar style to myself, and so I feel I could create something that I feel passionately about myself for this brief as well as something that appeals to Emily herself.
<< Here are some aspects that Emily looks for to define a piece of work as aesthetically appealing.
Below are things I have collected from Emily's PPP blog, looking at how she evaluates her progress on the course so far, and also expanding my knowledge on her personal taste, designs that she likes and area's she would like to learn more about.

Below are things I have collected that Emily James finds interesting. I hope to create something similar out of paper for my 'Header', however I will experiment with this solution before making it finalised in my designs. I could use Harriet Russell's style to incorporate both artists into the designs.

Below are Emily's views and opinions of skills that she thinks are her strengths, these are aspects we are all proud of about ourselves and so would be quite interesting to include in my double page spread about Emily James and things that she likes.

Below is one of the first ever posts on Emily's PPP Blog, I will evaluate these and see how many Emily feels she has achieved throughout the course based on her more recent posts about her progress.