This brief involved designing a typeface for another persons character and personality, we could ask the person a set series of questions and then had to work from the results of the questionnaire as inspiration for our designs. For the crit session 5 or 6 groups of pairs were taken into studio 4, where we placed all our work onto the wall and analysed each piece individually. As pairs, each person was asked to discussed what they thought about the typeface designed for them and what was saying about there personality, as well as whether they thought it related to them. This then lead to group discussion about how successful the work had been.
I felt the typeface that had been designed for me was closely related to my personality as it was based around walking and as I have recently completed a 100 mile hike over 6 days this certainly related directly to my personality. I really liked the simplicity and the use of lowercase type however that would not I been my personal choice I still feel it works well as a final piece. The typeface that I designed for Samuel Hoh was based around dinosaurs and although I don't feel that it related to Sam's personality I do feel it worked successfully as a series and as a final outcome. Sam's feedback about my design was that it didn't relate directly to him, however he liked how I had related the typeface to a similar structure of that of 'kai' (one of Sam's favourite typefaces). He did like how the letterforms worked as a series and he said he was pleased with the piece. He also liked how the entire piece was completely hand drawn whereas the majority of people used Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator to help construct their designs. However, because the final outcome was to be hand rendered I chose to hand render the entire piece form beginning to end and this was really well received in the crit session. I feel the reason I struggled to come up with initial idea's for the brief was the little information provided in the questionnaire, however after speaking with Amber about this I jut went with what I had there on the sheet. Overall, my piece was given positive feedback and I now need to expand on this work by producing some words using the letterforms.
Alphabet Soup Typeface Crit

Wednesday, 2 November 2011
by Lisa Collier
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