Here I have documented a series of questions and answers which consider 'Who I am' and 'Why I am here', studying BA(hons) Graphic Design at Leeds College of Art. This will evaluate what I want to learn over the next 3 years, and why I chose to learn at this institute.
// Why I chose to study Graphic Design at Leeds College of Art //
I chose to study Graphic Design at Leeds College of Art because of the fast paced atmosphere and friendly ambience. I visited Leeds College of Art on an Open day in June 2010 and instantly realised that the course was for me, the work being produced was to a high standard and the studio based feel was one that I knew would suit my working style.
I wanted to studying in a specialist art college, where I knew that my focus would be primarily on live briefs, and working with industry. This course is intense, however I feel I can succeed on a high demanding course, and I will be more prepared for industry afterwards.
Another factor which appealed to coming to Leeds College of Art was the fact that the group sizes are much smaller, and the intensity of the course. Despite being 4-5 days a week, I feel this will only benefit my learning and in the long run benefit my career. More time with tutors is also a key factor for me, and I felt that at Leeds College of Art I have greater access to teaching staff and working professionals.
I feel that at Leeds College of Art I have a much better access to facilities, and workshops. Having access to all area's as well as the dark room was a very important factor for me, as not a lot of University's and art colleges offer this to all students.
The success of previous graduates was another factor which played a part in me wanting to study at Leeds College of Art, whilst it's obviously hard work and dedication that gets you there, it's also the support from current students (which is benefitted by small group sizes) and the support from current tutors and staff. It is clear to see from current students and staff that the community here is really supportive, and I feel this will benefit my learning and understanding of the course, as well as my development and success over the next 3 years.
// Things I want to learn during my time on the programme //
Whilst studying here at Leeds College of Art, I would like to develop my print skills, looking at various different media that you can print your design onto, as well as also looking at the variety of different printing techniques looking at screen printing, digital print and letterpress etc. I feel this will expand my skills and core understanding of the subject.
I want to learn to be able to talk about my work, and take on board both positive and negative feedback, area's to improves and factors which a good. I feel that with the small group numbers on the course here, this will allow me to excel in this and become a much more confident person.
I want to become a more focused and professional designer. Taking an emphasis on the fundamental principles of design as well as learning how to communicate between other co-workers as well as learning how to communicate efficiently with clients too, this will be a key role in my success after the completion of my degree.
I currently work mainly in a print format and I feel that over the next three years, studying here at Leeds College of Art I wold like to expand my fields of experience and discover other types of media including digital design and web design.
I would like to expand my knowledge and understanding of illustration and type and be able to combine the two confidently. Whilst a lot of my inspiration comes from illustrators and typographers, I feel that much of my work is completed digitally in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, whilst furthering my skills here, I would also like to incorporate more hand drawn illustrations into my discipline.
// My current strengths //
One of my current strengths is typography, I am very comfortable working with type and the composition, as well as composition a final outcome which meets the brief. However, I feel I can use my current skills, and skills that I will learn over the coming years at Leeds College of Art to further explore typography.
I am very thorough and organised, however this isn't always a positive quality I feel that the majority of the time it plays to my benefits and enables me to succeed in many of my projects and briefs. I hope to maintain my organisational skills over my time here at Leeds College of Art.
Working independently is one of my strengths, I'm a very 'get up and go' person, and don't like to leave a project until the last minute, and so this attitude to my studies can sometimes affect group work, when other members of the group might have a different attitude to their work. As a result, individual briefs play to my assets. However, I do hope to expand my collaborative skills over the coming months and years.
Another strength is time management, I am very proud of the fact that I am time conscience, and never late to important meetings. This is a professional characteristic and I hope it will prove me to be productive and successful in the future.
I am a very resilient person, which means I will never give up on a set task. I am a strong and out going person, with a very driven focus and full commitment to briefs and challenges assigned to me. This plays to my benefits, as I am very reliable and don't let people or clients down.
// My current weaknesses or area's for improvement //
I would like to improve my skills in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. Although I understand that I have a basic understanding of the two programmes, I feel I still have a lot to learn and my skills could be expanded and developed over the coming months.
Whilst studying here at Leeds College of Art I would like to improve my communication skills, not only becoming better at working collaboratively within a group but also being able to talk about my work with more confidence and pride in my solutions.
One skill that I've always felt passionately about is Illustration, I've never felt very confident with it as a skill, however I feel this is something I can work on and develop over the coming weeks and months, and combine it with my current strengths applying it to my designs and processes.
Although I consider type to be a strength, it is also a weakness. I enjoy type, and it never fails to keep me hooked. However, I know I have a lot of branching out and development of skills before I will be completely satisfied with my understanding of type. This is something that will become a personal challenge over the next three years at Leeds College of Art, as I have such a strong passion for the discipline.
Whilst studying here at Leeds College of Art, I would like to develop my abilities in obtaining the most out of a crit session. Over the next three years I hope to use my crits to their full potential, taking on board all advice both positive and negative to improve my working idea's and concepts of Graphic Design.
// Way in which I will evaluate my progress //
The main way that I will evaluate my progress is through blogging. When I came to an open day here about 18months ago, I learnt that blogging is a large part of your progress on the degree, and so I decided that I would make myself more familiar with Blogs before I came here. So for the past 8 months I have been blogging privately and so I understand the concept of blogging, and how it can so easily become an everyday part of life. I hope to retain all of my progress and development on my blog over the coming months and years. This blog will also allow me to look back on how my skills and understand of design have evolved and matured over time.
I hope to develop my progress through industry, taking on different placements and work experience roles, to be able to develop my skills and the understanding behind working for a professional business in a structured and organised manner. I will evaluate my progress on the course by comparing myself to other designers out in the industry, looking at how they work both collaboratively and individually.
I will use sketchbooks over the next few years here at Leeds College of Art to document my idea's and key processes in my progression on the course. I consider sketchbooks to be such a fundamental factor of Design, it's where everything begins, and as a result they will be used in my augmentation and development.
I will also use crit sessions, tutor evaluation and peer feedback to help me develop my work and progress of the course as an individual both personally and professionally. I hope to take on board both positive and negative feedback in a good light and play this to my strengths in improving and developing my work.
I will evaluate my progress through personal development and change. As I learn more about both Graphic Design, as a discipline, and myself, as a designer, I will use my own opinions and beliefs to evaluate my progress and where my idea's and process is heading.
// Questions I need answers to //
Where do I want to be in 3 years time?
How can I find work experience and placements?
What makes you become successful in Graphic Design?
Where will I be in 10 years time?
Why is Graphic Design such a competitive industry?
Why am I here, What do I want to learn? (Study Task 1)

Thursday, 22 September 2011
by Lisa Collier
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